State Data
Washington D.C.
U.S. Territories
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
The Alabama Center for Health Statistics operates an online database query tool. Members of the public can use this tool to find county-level data related to pregnancy and childbirth. Users can customize queries by selecting a host of variables ranging from race/ethnicity, age group, and marital status, to pregnancy characteristics such as low birth weight, prenatal care use, cesarean deliveries, smoking during pregnancy, and more.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Scroll down for special reports on breastfeeding and postpartum depression, among other topics.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Alabama receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Alabama Department of Public Health Publications
The “Statewide: 1992-2012” link under “Birth Data” includes numbers and percents of births for mothers of different ages, risk factors, education, at different locations (i.e. hospital, birth center, home), method of delivery, how much prenatal care they received, and both preterm and low birth weight babies.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Scroll down for Alaska’s PRAMS reports.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Alaska receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Arizona receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Be sure to scroll down to see a variety of useful reports generated from PRAMS data.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Arkansas receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Browse a variety of reports using CA’s vital statistics data, including County Health Status Profiles.
Try Ask CA-VSQ! or the Vital Statistics Query System to create customized queries on a number of birth-related topics. Note: Data only goes until 2013.
Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) Survey
The California Department of Public Health maintains data and reports related to maternal and child health as part of this survey. MIHA collects population-based information about maternal health status, health behavior, knowledge, and experiences before, during and shortly after pregnancy. MIHA fact sheets include information about smoking and alcohol during pregnancy, unplanned pregnancies, and perinatal health disparities.
Listening to Mothers California
Listening to Mothers in California is a statewide, population-based survey, in English and Spanish, of the experiences, outcomes and views of women who gave birth in California hospitals in 2016.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, California receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Visit the Colorado Health Information Dataset for Vital Statistics, including Birth data. You can search the Birth Data by county or even neighborhood (Denver). Birth Data Statistics can also be customized when clicking on Full Birth Query.
Try Colorado Environmental Public Health Tracking to get information on Birth Defects or Reproductive and Birth Outcomes.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
Colorado Hospital Price Report is “a joint project of the Colorado Hospital Association and the Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Insurance. This website is intended to provide consumers and purchasers of health care with information about hospital charges and insurance company or health maintenance organization reimbursement rates.” Here, you can find hospital discharge data and cesarean rates by hospital in Colorado. This website may have additional information, as well.
Like all states, Colorado receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Reports based on yearly data regarding births and fetal deaths, which include aggregate information about timing and adequacy of prenatal care and birth outcomes (i.e., low birth weight, preterm birth) by county, city, and major demographic subgroups.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Connecticut receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Connecticut Department of Public Health Reports issues reports related to a variety of maternal and child health topics. These reports explore issues surrounding perinatal health disparities, infant mortality, low birth weight, WIC participation, and pregnancy risk assessment results, among others.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
Hospital Level Cesarean Data
Delaware Health Statistics Center issues hospital discharge data, including cesarean section rates by hospital in the state of Delaware. Also, check here for more information on cesarean rates in Delaware hospitals.
Like all states, Delaware receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Delaware Department of Public Health Reports issues a series of reports on relevant maternal and child health topics such as infant mortality, perinatal health disparities, breastfeeding, hospital discharge summaries, birth, WIC, and pregnancy.
You can use the Vital Statistics data to search by your county and year of interest upon request.
Florida has a wide array of interactive data offerings. You can examine birth rates and birth counts using a variety of filters. Also, Florida has data queries available for various maternal and child health topics. Start by selecting a topic of interest from the Find an Indicator Menu. Topics include birth defects, family planning, WIC participation, risk behaviors during pregnancy (i.e., smoking, drug and alcohol use), teenage birth rates (primary and repeat), birth outcomes (i.e., preterm birth, low birth weight), delivery methods, birth venue (i.e. hospital vs. non-hospital), timing and adequacy of prenatal care, inter-conceptional period, maternal stress, and breastfeeding initiation and duration, among others.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
Hospital Level Cesarean Data
There are two places you can look for hospital-level cesarean data. One is the Florida Health Finder. Also this site may have information, as well. Click on the image of the PDF for the full report.
Like all states, Florida receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Georgia receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Users interested in Georgia perinatal health data may also access reports issued by the Georgia Department of Health. These reports include data on perinatal health disparities, teen pregnancies, SIDS, pregnancy risk assessment, health equity, and infant mortality.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Hawaii has two main prams pages: first, a PRAMS homepage which includes a trend report covering 2000-2008 and county-specific reports from 2011 for Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai counties. There are also over a dozen fact sheets on topics such as cesarean delivery, prematurity, substance use in pregnancy, maternal diabetes, and more. Second, the Hawaii Health Data Warehouse (HHDW) has its own PRAMS page with detailed reports available on access to health services, alcohol use during pregnancy, illegal drug use during pregnancy, injury and violence prevention, maternal, infant, and child health, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as the prevalence and cessation of tobacco use.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Hawaii receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse (HHDW) is a storehouse of reports about the health of Hawaiians and includes birth and maternity related topics including: pregnancy, breastfeeding, infant health, maternal health, alcohol use, drug use, tobacco use, demographic characteristics, pregnancy delivery characteristics, teen births, pregnancy intention, and prenatal care.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports are included, here. The natality reports include summaries of annual information, graphs of decade trends, and some data broken down by district and county. The mortality reports include sections on infant, fetal, and maternal mortality.
Pregnancy Risk Tracking System (PRATS)
Idaho surveys new mothers in a project called PRATS, which is similar to the PRAMS projects in other states. PRATS is a population-based tracking system that identifies and examines maternal experiences and health practices surrounding pregnancy which may affect pregnancy outcomes and infant health.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Idaho receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Idaho Health Statistics Fact Sheets and Reports
Includes a number of reports on topics like insurance during pregnancy, birth attendant data, cesarean births, maternal stress, and many more. Click on Natality/Pregnancy/Teen Pregnancy.
Vital Statistics Reports
The Illinois Department of Public Health provides vital statistics data (Birth Statistics, Death Statistics, and Infant Mortality) including birth characteristics such as birthweight, preterm, prenatal care, method of delivery, and more.
Illinois’s Community Health Data (IQuery)
Provides a database to gather statistics related to health indicators related to births and deaths, and maternal and newborn.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Illinois receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
The Indiana State Department of Health compiles maternal and child health statistics on mortality, smoking during pregnancy, low birth weight, prenatal care, and preterm births by county and statewide.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Indiana receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. Indiana’s report includes includes a wealth of information on infant mortality, teen pregnancy, cesarean rates, and more.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
The Iowa Department of Health’s Bureau of Health Statistics makes available an online database called Family and Community Information Tracking System (FACITS). Users may run queries on data for the state and each of the 99 counties from 1999 onward. Available data include births, maternal age, maternal marital status, preterm births, low birth weights, prenatal care timing and adequacy, infant mortality, among others.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Iowa receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment compiles pregnancy and birth outcome statistics which are made publicly available for use on their website. The Pregnancy Statistics Query generate tables for Kansas resident pregnancy and birth outcomes, summarized by year, age, race, county, outcome, marital status and maternal education. Data included in this database are from 1993 onward.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
Hospital Level Cesarean Data
Kansas has Hospital Discharge Statistics by Procedure, which includes a query tool, allowing obstetrical procedure data to be retrieved and filtered by major demographic characteristics. Hospital level cesarean data may also be found here
Like all states, Kansas receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
This report from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment presents a preliminary summary of Kansas Births for 2023.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states.
Like all states, Kentucky receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Hospital Utilization and Services Reports
Includes annual reports of nursery and neonatal unit use by hospital.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Browse the headings and subheadings of this PDF for information on Prenatal Care, Prenatal Risk Factors, Infant Care, and Infant Health.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Louisiana stands.
Like all states, Louisiana receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Click on birth data to examine various trends and tables by parish for births in Louisiana.State Center for Health Statistics
Maternal and Child Health Data Indicators Click on a range of years to see indicators by region for the state of Louisiana. Information includes teen birth rate, low birth weight and prematurity, and prenatal care, among others.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Interactive Data
Maine has Tableau Visualization for Maternal and Birth Data for 2010-2019.
ME Maternal and Child Health Reports Helpful information displayed by tables, reports, district health profiles, and factsheets
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Maine stands.
Like all states, Maine receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Each district has information on perinatal health and teen birth rate. ME Perinatal Health Profiles by District
Maine CDC Maternal, Fetal, and Infant Mortality Review Panel (MFIMR) Report presents a summary of relevant data contributing to perinatal outcomes and outlines challenges, activities, and future plans for the MFIMR Panel
Vital Statistics data include infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. Scroll down to find MA Birth Data (subheading).
Interactive Data
PHIT Data Explore this Population Health Information Tool (PHIT) to access birth/infant death datasets including births by year with mortality information provided for infant deaths that occurred within one year of birth. Click on this site for PHIT data specifically for reproductive outcomes.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Massachusetts stands.
Like all states, Massachusetts receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Massachusetts Population Health Information Tool (PHIT) - Click on a topic to get health data for Massachusetts.
Healthy People 2020 Maternal and Child Health End of Decade Snapshot - Healthy People is a nation-wide initiative that sets goals for the health and well-being of persons residing in the US. These goals include specific Maternal and Child Health topics.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. PRAMS Reports
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Maryland stands.
Like all states, Maryland receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Topics include Family Planning and Home Visiting, Genetics and People with Special Health Care Needs, Surveillance and Quality Initiatives, and WIC Program.
Maternal Mortality Review (MMR) Program has the Maryland Maternal Mortality Review and provides yearly annual reports.
Vital Statistics data include infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. Under Natality, find birth rate, trends, prenatal care, and birthweight statistics. Infant mortality includes mortality trends for race and region. Also, Michigan reports most common baby names for the state by decade!
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Michigan stands.
Like all states, Michigan receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. Scroll down to Documents to see the Needs Assessment report and also the State Narrative.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Michigan’s Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Section - This site includes a number of useful reports including the MCH Data Book by decade. Click on the data book by decade to see information on Maternal and Child Health topics by state and by county. County statistic include information on poverty level, birth rate, race, births to teen mothers, prenatal care, low birthweight, and preterm birth statistics. Other reports detail infant and maternal mortality.
Leading Procedures (Rates) for Women with Deliveries in MI - Click on the Women with Deliveries link to view rates of cesareans in Michigan.
Vital Statistics Reports
Minnesota Health Statistics Annual Summary presents data on live births, fertility, and infant mortality and fetal deaths.
Minnesota Community Health Board Vital Statistics Trend Reports Page presents the natality and mortality sections into four 5-year groups. The natality indicators include low birth weight, prematurity, and prenatal care imitation.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Minnesota stands.
Like all states, Minnesota receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. Scroll down to Documents to see the Needs Assessment report and also the State Narrative.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
Mississippi Statistically Automated Health Resource System
This system can generate maps, tables, and graphs on a number of datasets, including on pregnancy, birth, and infant mortality, broken down by several demographic categories. Hover the mouse over the Birth title on the menu and choose if you want a table, graph, or map.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean and VBAC target rate. Click the link to see where Mississippi stands.
Like all states, Mississippi receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. Scroll down to Documents to see the Needs Assessment report and also the State Narrative.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Includes infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Missouri stands.
Like all states, Missouri receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Includes infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Montana stands.
Like all states, Montana receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Montana Hospital Discharge Data System - Find information on access to inpatient hospitalization data.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Nebraska stands.
Like all states, Nebraska receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. Visit the State Profile.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Nevada stands.
Like all states, Nevada receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
New Hampshire
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. New Hampshire also has a Querying Vital Records Statistical Data Source
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where New Hampshire stands.
Like all states, New Hampshire receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
New Jersey
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
NJSHAD II is an query system, which provides a custom dataset query capability and profiles of health indicators by category or alphabetically including birth rates, c-section rates, infant mortality, low birth weight, midwife-attended births, and many more. Click on the Alphabetical Index icon to get started.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. New Jersey’s PRAMS has a number of Data Briefs, Reports, and Other Publications.
New Jersey provides hospital level cesarean rates by hospital perinatal designation. Additionally, this site has state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where New Jersey stands.
Like all states, New Jersey receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
NJ Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
Here, you can find various pages, reports, and hyperlinks to information on cesarean delivery, labor inductions, prenatal care and more. Check out New Reports or click on the Full List and request those publications at your academic library or by using Pub Med. Two reports of interest might include Racial Perception and Adverse Birth Outcomes or Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates for Hospitals by Geographic Region
New Mexico
The New Mexico State Center for Health Statistics at the Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics publishes the Selected Health Statistics Annual Reports with obstetric procedures by age of mother including amniocentesis, electronic fetal monitoring, ultrasound, labor induction, facility, attendant at birth (birthing center, home, hospital) (MD, DO, CNM, Licensed Midwife, R.N), and method of delivery by county of residence, age and race of mother, c-section and vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. New Mexico’s PRAMS website offers a query module data sets. To use the query module, try clicking on Quick Selection and Before, During, or After Pregnancy. Click on a topic of interest and follow the remaining steps to complete your data query.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where New Mexico stands.
Like all states, New Mexico receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. This report discusses c-section rates, preterm births, low-birth weight, infant mortality, prenatal care and more.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Indicator Based Information System for Public Health
This offering by the Department of Health provides access to public health data sets including birth outcomes, teen birth rate, and others. Users can also compose custom user-defined queries with choice indicators.
New York
The New York State Department of Health publishes tables on live births by method of delivery and resident county (vaginal, VBAC, primary and repeat c-sections), neonatal and perinatal deaths, adequacy of prenatal care, among others.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Scroll down to Prams Reports.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where New York stands.
Hospital Maternity-Related Procedures and Practices Statistics
Provides intervention information on all births, vaginal births, cesarean sections, and statistics on breastfeeding.
Like all states, New York receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
NY County-specific Perinatal Data Profile provides statistics on births, infant and neonatal deaths, and teen pregnancy rates.
Maternal and Infant Health State-wide Trends are available in map or table format.
North Carolina
Provides data on birth attendant, fetal and infant mortality, c-sections and more by annual frequencies, annual rates, and 5-year rates for the state, six Perinatal Care Regions, and the 100 counties of North Carolina.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. North Carolina PRAMS has helpful data tables by topic area of interest. North Carolina also supplies various special studies, fact sheets, and a newsletter based on PRAMS data. PRAMS Partners and Other Resources
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where North Carolina stands.
The North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics offers a web-based interactive database system that provides customized reports of health data based on user-specified selection of variables (e.g., maternal age, gestation period, birth weight, gender, and more).
Like all states, North Carolina receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
North Carolina Baby Book 2018 - Select a county of interest for information on type of birth, number of prenatal visits, obstetric procedures, events in labor, and other indicators by maternal age, marital status, and race/ethnicity.
Risk Factors and Characteristics for 2019 North Carolina Resident Live Births - offers graphical views of indicators such as cesarean rate, low birth weight, adequacy of prenatal care and more among various groups of mothers (All, Medicaid, WIC users, and more).
North Dakota
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. Also, check out here for more reports
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where North Dakota stands.
Like all states, North Dakota receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
County Health Profiles These reports are organized by county and/or health district, including the American Indian Community.
This 2022 North Dakota Report highlights how health outcomes and health factors differ by place within the state.
ND Breastfeeding Data is available, including initiation of breastfeeding by hospital and county of residence.
Ohio’s Data Warehouse allows you to query the database for information. You can get data from two sources: (1) vital statistics (i.e. birth certificate) or (2) hospital discharge data. The birth certificate data (e.g. method of delivery) can be broken down by county, but not by hospital. The hospital discharge data does let you get hospital level data on topics like cesareans, but only in absolute numbers – you’ll have to work out rates. Neither system is particularly simple, but they do provide menus that you can work through to identify the data you want to see.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Ohio’s page includes a number of helpful data summaries, reports, fact sheets, and newsletters on a variety of topics.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Ohio stands.
Like all states, Ohio receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Oklahoma’s Vital Statistics page includes annual reports on birth, which have a variety of useful information.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. Oklahoma also has a follow-up survey to PRAMS for toddlers, called TOTS.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Oklahoma stands.
Like all states, Oklahoma receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
This page presents data on births, induced terminations of pregnancy, and teen pregnancy. The page also has a useful directory of topics. Oregon’s Birth Data Page includes birth data by county and zip code. The website also hosts a page about breastfeeding, which includes links to breastfeeding partners in Oregon. Oregon also has a separate page for teen pregnancy.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. You can also browse reports by PRAMS topic areas and see PRAMS presentations and publications.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Oregon stands. Additionally, Oregon’s Birth Statistics Page has a column labeled Final Method of Delivery by Facility. Click on a year of interest and see the count of cesarean deliveries by county and by facility in that county. These very useful reports also include numbers on VBACs.
Like all states, Oregon receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports
This is a customizable data reports system, which can produce tables, charts, and maps on birth topics such as fertility rate, low birth weight, prenatal care, cesarean section deliveries, breastfeeding, and more, broken down by maternal demographics. There is also an infant death dataset with detailed options for investigating perinatal mortality.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Pennsylvania stands.
Like all states, Pennsylvania receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
County Health Profiles are available for each of Pennsylvania’s counties, including basic natality information. Once you click on a year of interest, use the navigation within the PDF viewer to select a county of interest.
A similar set of major municipality profiles are available specifically for Maternal and Child Health Status Indicators.
Rhode Island
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Rhode Island stands. Also visit the hospital discharge page for information about cesarean and VBAC rates in Rhode Island hospitals.
Like all states, Rhode Island receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. Visit the Block Grant Homepage.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
South Carolina
The Vital Statistics Reports for South Carolina include data on attendant at birth, live births, low weight births, teen pregnancy, perinatal mortality, maternal mortality and more.
A South Carolina Department of Public Health site that allows generation of user-specified tables and interactive maps of public health data from various databases. You can check out the birth certificate data page to access cesarean rates, labor interventions, maternal health information, newborn health.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. The PRAMS databooks offer information on prenatal care, maternal health, and infant health among others.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where South Carolina stands.
Like all states, South Carolina receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
The South Carolina DPH website includes recent reports on topics of maternal and infant health.
South Dakota
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. Scroll down to the bottom to see Vital Statistics.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where South Dakota stands.
Like all states, South Dakota receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
The Tennessee Department of Health’s vital statistics section provides a large number of birth reports on maternal characteristics, birthweight, and birth defects, as well as pregnancy reports by maternal age, all broken down by county. The death reports page includes selected reports on neonatal and infant mortality.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Tennessee stands.
Like all states, Tennessee receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. Scroll down to the bottom to see Vital Statistics.
For every Texas county for selected years from 2000 to 2008, there is a a set of basic natality statistics such as teen mothers, low birth weight, prenatal care, fertility rate, and infant and fetal deaths, all compared to the state rate.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
Birth-related data includes method of delivery, birthweight, multiple births, prematurity, prenatal care, and more, and breakdowns by county and maternal demographics. Death-related data includes causes from pregnancy and in the perinatal period, also available by county and demographic breakdowns. A specific infant mortality page and application is available as well.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Texas stands.
Like all states, Texas receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. Scroll down to the bottom to see Vital Statistics.
The Public Health Outcome Measures Report (PHOM)
Also provides the vital statistics reports for Utah. Additionally, the Public Health Outcome Measures Report includes a full list of publications on a variety of topics included in the PHOM.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site has cesarean rates at individual hospitals for some states. Click on the image of the PDF to view the full report.
Like all states, Utah receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Public Health Indicator Based Information System
Can help you create custom data queries.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. The Vermont Phase 8 Report highlights pre and postnatal experiences of Vermonters from 2016 to 2022.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Vermont stands.
Like all states, Vermont receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. The Virginia Department of Health’s Division of Health Statistics publishes statistical reports and data tables which can be requested by selecting the year or even map. Special topics are available, such as birth weight and teen pregnancies.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Virginia stands.
Like all states, Virginia receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Washington stands.
Like all states, Washington receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
WA Perinatal Indicators Report
A collaboration between the Washington State Department of Health and the Department of Social and Health Services.
West Virginia
This report includes a section on birth data such as incidence of low birth weight, method of delivery by facility, prenatal care use, and age, race, and educational level of mother. Also, check out the statistical briefs on various topics often pertaining to the perinatal period.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth. The WV Prams site website features surveillance reports which cover a variety of perinatal and infant health topics broken down into several categories. Statewide data and subgroup analyses, selected by various sociodemographic categories, are reported for family planning, prenatal care, pregnancy risk factors, infant health and care, maternal health and care, and state-interest perinatal topics and services.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where West Virginia stands.
Like all states, West Virginia receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ Office of Health Informatics publishes an annual report on births and infant deaths, summarizing information collected from birth records and death certificates.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH)
A data query system that gives you information about health indicators in Wisconsin.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Wisconsin stands.
Like all states, Wisconsin receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Studies and Special Reports
Wisconsin Healthy Births Outcomes Initiative and the Minority Health Program in the Division of Public Health provides various reports, fact sheets, and presentations on eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in infant mortality.
Births to Teens in Wisconsin outlines current teen birth rates by city, county, and statewide.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where Wyoming stands.
Like all states, Wyoming receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve. The Needs Assessment report for Wyoming has a section reporting birth rates, cesarean deliveries, infant mortality rates and more.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
A variety of fact sheets and issue briefs related to maternal and child health.
Washington D.C.
Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports.
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
PRAMS is a survey project that collects data on maternal experiences surrounding pregnancy and birth.
This site shows state- and district-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 national cesarean target rate. Click the link to see where the District of Columbia stands.
The District of Columbia receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
State-level information about preterm birth, birth weight, prenatal care, mortality, multiples, delivery method, substance use, obesity, infections, insurance, screening, folic acid, NICU admissions, breastfeeding, and more.
U.S. Territories
Puerto Rico
Puerto receives federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and reports on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.
The March of Dimes Peristats project provides rich and frequently updated birth data for Puerto Rico
Other Territories
American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Island , Northern Mariana Islands, Palau and U.S. Virgin Islands receive federal funding for maternal and child health programs, and report on the strengths and needs of the populations these programs serve.